Remove Member From Skype Group (Windows)

Mar 5, 2015
If ever you are someone - like me - who used to think that in order for a member to be removed from a Skype group, he needs to voluntarily leave the group, well, TANAAAN!

We are wrong!

Haha. Below are the very simple steps on how to remove a member from the group if you are an administrator.

1. Get the names of the members shown below the Group Name.

 You can get this when you click on the arrow at the left side of the text that indicates how many members there are in the group. In this case, "2 people".

2. Right-click on the member's name, choose Remove.

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JQuery: Send Post Data and Redirect

Mar 2, 2015
Basically, what I wanted to do is to send data from one page to another page.
Apparently, I don't have any form to submit and I don't want it to appear on the URL, either.

Here's one simple solution:

var form = $("<form action='" + url + '' method='post'>" +
  "       <input type='hidden' name='id' id='id' value='" + id + "'/>" +
  "       <input type='hidden' name='username' id='username' value='" + username + "'/>" +

where id and username are variables holding the data you want to send to another page, and url is the page you want to pass the data to.

Any other alternate solution?

Please feel free to leave your message on the comments section.

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